10.05am • The why behind trends – Untapping the potential of Eurobarometer surveys for data journalists
Philipp Schulmeister, Public Opinion Monitoring Unit of the European Parliament
The Parlemeter 2021 results will be presented under embargo.
10.30am • Europe’s internet speed is faster than ever, but not for everyone
Ornaldo Gjergji, Data analyst and researcher at OBC Transeuropa/European Data Journalism Network
Over the last year and a half, internet speeds in Europe have increased by more than fifty percent. Unfortunately, the gap between urban and more rural areas, and between north European countries and those in the south-east, has also grown. After introducing the European Data Journalism Network, its tools, structure and resources for journalists, this session will explain how the investigation was conducted and how different data sources (both from EU and non-EU institutions) were used as a basis to analyse the phenomenon and guide the journalistic work.
If you are interested in joining the webinar, please let us know by contacting info@europeandatajournalism.eu.