Un approccio femminista alla giustizia
Casa delle donne via della Terra 29, Rovereto (TN)Dal tribunale delle donne di Sarajevo ad oggi. Incontro con Incontro con Lepa Mlađenović
Dal tribunale delle donne di Sarajevo ad oggi. Incontro con Incontro con Lepa Mlađenović
The dissemination event of the TraPoCo Jean Monnet Network focussing on the event will focus on the Western Balkans migration route to discuss the capacity of European civil society actors to challenge the EU border policies from below, and their efforts to propose alternative narratives on migration, their joint work to build a European political space of solidarity
An online seminar will explore the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the Western Balkans and the growing risks of destabilization in the region, with panelists from both Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. During the event, early findings of a study conducted by OBCT and CeSPI between January and May 2023 - financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation/UAP Unit for Analysis and Policy Planning - will be presented
Come dimostra la campagna transnazionale Save the Blue Heart of Europe per proteggere gli ultimi fiumi selvaggi d'Europa, le mobilitazioni ambientali transnazionali […]
The concluding event of the Jean Monnet Network "Transnational Political Contention and the protection of rights and democracy in Europe" will take place in Brussels, on June 7, 2023