Genti diverse venute dall’Est: incontri nel Trentino della Grande Guerra

Incontro alla scoperta dei luoghi testimonianza della Prima guerra mondiale in Trentino. Le testimonianze di incontri con persone venute da territori lontani, portatrici di lingue, culture e religioni diverse, trasferite verso il fronte italo-austriaco come soldati, lavoratori militarizzati, prigionieri di guerra. Interviene lo storico di OBCT Marco Abram

2023-07-06T08:22:52+02:00Luglio 6th, 2023|

Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina: the war in Ukraine and new risk scenarios in the Western Balkans

An online seminar will explore the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the Western Balkans and the growing risks of destabilization in the region, with panelists from both Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. During the event, early findings of a study conducted by OBCT and CeSPI between January and May 2023 - financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation/UAP Unit for Analysis and Policy Planning - will be presented

2023-06-13T16:29:59+02:00Giugno 13th, 2023|

Transnational solidarities in the Balkans: migration justice worldmaking

The dissemination event of the TraPoCo Jean Monnet Network focussing on the event will focus on the Western Balkans migration route to discuss the capacity of European civil society actors to challenge the EU border policies from below, and their efforts to propose alternative narratives on migration, their joint work to build a European political space of solidarity

2023-07-21T10:06:11+02:00Giugno 13th, 2023|

31 maggio, Giornata Internazionale delle Fasce bianche

Anche quest'anno Trento commemora la Giornata Internazionale delle fasce bianche per ricordare quanto avvenuto in Bosnia Erzegovina negli anni '90. L'appuntamento si tiene in parallelo ad altri momenti promossi a Prijedor e in tante altre città d'Europa. Per OBC Transeuropa/CCI interverrà lo storico Marco Abram

2023-05-31T11:27:46+02:00Maggio 31st, 2023|
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